Web Wallet Release! December 2019
We are proud to announce our version 1.0 of wallet-belifex.com – the first application built by the hard working tech team at Belifex. The web wallet is a secure and simple way to store Belifex tokens ($BEFX) offline.
It also provides a very simple way to send BEFX to new users without requiring them sign up to any exchange.
How to Use:
Navigate your browser to HERE!,
You will be redirected towards the web wallet landing page.
2. Select “Register”
3. Enter a secure password and press “Register”. Make sure to backup your password by writing it down and storing it in a secure place. A keystore file will be downloaded to your computer. Make sure to save it and remember the password encrypting it. This file holds your private key.
Alternatively you can create a “seed phrase”, a set of words that you MUST write down as these will be needed in case of emergencies.
4.1) To receive BEFX, just copy the address and send BEFX to it from either another wallet or an exchange. After the receiving transaction has been processed, when you unlock your wallet again, the Available Balance will be updated.
4.2) To send BEFX, click “Send”, enter the recipient address, the amount you wish to send
Note – You will need to make sure that you have a small amount of ETH in your wallet to cover transaction fees.
5. Press “Send Transaction”.
One use case of the web wallet is to create a Belifex wallet, load it with BEFX, and distribute currency to friends as a quick and convenient way for them to start using Belifex for everyday use.
This is the first application built using Belifex, and will pave the way for more sophisticated decentralised exchanges and our centralised exchange in 2020.
If you’re a developer with an idea for a BEFX application you’d like to build, please reach out to us and we can offer you a competitive salary in BEFX!
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source : BELIFEX