2 min readSep 28, 2019

September 2019 – Marketing and Tech Developments Update

Thank you for reading our latest developments from Belifex project. It has been a very busy month with lots of positive developments. Our team are determined to make the project a success in 2020 and we endeavour to keep you informed of all the updates.

Team updates

We spent August and September recruiting members to our team and we have already seen a positive impact on our operations. If you feel that you have knowledge and expertise in a particular area, please contact us about possible positions that we can open for you.

We have welcome two backend developers, African community admin, a public relations officer and content writer. We envisage October to be very busy for them!

Whitepaper Release

We finally released our Whitepaper this month. The team has spent a lot of time and effort to report on all the goals and objectives for 2019–2020. We are confident that the plans for Belifex are all detailed in this document. We hope to translate it to another 7 – 10 languages in the next three months.

Telegram updates

Our Telegram welcome message has been improved to provide more useful information to new Belifex investors. We have an African channel and also Korean channel. These have already proven effective and we want to promote these to the respective communities. Our TipBot Is working overtime at the moment and we are always looking to reward our community with our token for promoting Belifex.

Redesigning the homepage for the Belifex website

The homepage on the Belifex website has been improved with a slick design that better suits our target audience. Contains various information, team profiles and an updated list of markets available.

Belifex Wallet

By Q4, our community will be able to. secure their BEFX within Belifex wallets. The team have been busy with development and testing firmware and in order to release! Watch this space!

Belifex – Decentralized Exchange

As many of you know the work on the back end of our decentralized exchange (DEX) has been keeping our developers rather busy. They are confident of a Q1 2020 release.

Markets Markets Markets!

We added three new exchange listings during October. They were for Altilly, Satoexchange and Indoex. We would like to thank them for their cooperation and patience. Here is where you can trade our Belifex token (BEFX) :




What to look out for in October!

  • Releases of strategic partnerships to promote Belifex.
  • More exchange listings!
  • Look out for giveaways on out Twitter page –
  • Our web wallet beta release to be finalised and tested internally.
  • Expand our Telegram to over 2000 members!

Written by Belifex

Belifex is a Self Funded Blockchain Project with decentralizing solutions (DEX, Payment Gateway, Wallet and many others) all based on BEP-20 BEFX token.

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